Project Leads
Jenny L. Davis, PhD
Jenny Davis is a professor of sociology at Vanderbilt University. Her interest in role-taking was inspired via her work on the subject of identity.
Senior Research Fellow
Tony P. Love, PhD
Tony Love is an associate professor in the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas. His interest in role-taking was first inspired by research in the area of domestic violence.
Anne Groggel, PhD
Anne Groggel received a Ph.D. in Sociology from Indiana University in 2019 after years of public service that have influenced her research priorities. Her work spans intimate partner violence outcomes in the justice system, mediated communication of sexual consent, and gender and racial disparities on social media.
Lab Assistants
Project Affiliates
Mikayla Novak
Mikayla Novak is a doctoral candidate in the School of Sociology at the Australian National University and research officer with the Role-Taking Project. Her interest in role-taking concerns the application of experimental methods to role-taking research and the reception of affect and cognition in social theory.
Amy McDonald
Amy McDonald is a fourth-year undergraduate student, studying a double degree in Arts and Criminology, at the Australian National University.
Amy is a research assistant for the Role-Taking Project as part of a research internship.
Maneesh Kuruvilla
Maneesh Kuruvilla is a Lecturer in Dementia at the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre (University of Tasmania). His interest in role-taking is in its application to dementia care provided by health professionals, informal carers and family members.
Damith Herath
Damith Herath is an Associate Professor in Robotics and Art with the Human Centred Technology Research Centre at the University of Canberra. Damith is a multi-award winning entrepreneur and a roboticist with extensive experience leading multidisciplinary research teams on complex robotic integration, industrial and research projects. His research focuses on both technical and cultural aspects of robotics. He has chaired several international workshops on Robots and Art. He is the lead editor of the book "Robots and Art: Exploring an Unlikely Symbiosis" - the first significant work to feature leading roboticists and artists together in the field of Robotic Art.