2021 ANU Fellowships in the Study of Role-taking


Call for Applications

The ANU Fellowships in the study of role-taking is a reciprocal international fellowship that enables outstanding PhD students to conduct research on role-taking behaviors, antecedents, and outcomes. The fellowship is funded by the ANU Futures Scheme and will run until 2022. The Fellow will work with Dr. Jenny Davis (ANU) and Dr. Tony Love (University of Kentucky) to advance role-taking research and build ties with faculty and students at the Australian National University. The Fellow’s proposed research will be workshopped and refined in collaboration with Dr. Davis and Dr. Love, and each Fellow will receive $1000 toward the completion of their proposed research. Resultant publication will be authored jointly. During the fellowship period, selected scholars will travel, expenses paid, to the Australian National University for up to two weeks. Within one year’s time after the fellowship period, Dr. Davis and Dr. Love will then travel to the Fellow’s university of study in the U.S. to further mentor the student as well as make new international collaborative connections with faculty in residence*.  Approximately 3 fellowships are awarded per year. Each Fellow is expected to develop new or extend existing examinations of role-taking or related behaviors. Fellows will be expected to present their research results to the community at a workshop and produce a short essay that will be published on the project website (role-taking.com). Applications are accepted online only. See below for application instructions and required materials.

Application Procedure


Each applicant should submit the following materials electronically by email to Dr. Jenny Davis (jennifer.davis@anu.edu.au) and Dr. Tony Love (tony.love@uky.edu).

1. A cover letter supporting the application (no more than 500 words).

2. A brief statement (1500 words or less) that proposes a research project and highlights its relevance to the research interests of the Role-Taking Project.

3. A curriculum vitae.

4. Two letters of recommendation (sent separately by email) attesting to the applicant's professional competence and specifically acknowledging the reciprocal nature of the fellowship. Note: Your current institution is under no obligation to provide funding for any aspect of this program.

The applicant is responsible for collecting all materials and submitting them as one packet (minus letters of recommendation) before October 15, 2020.

About ANU and the Futures Scheme Grant

Located in Canberra, the capital of Australia, the Australian National University is the top research university in Australia. The School of Sociology is ranked 10th in the world (QS World Rankings 2019) in postgraduate study. The Futures Scheme Grant is a strategic initiative at ANU that funds high-impact multi-year projects for early and mid-career researchers.

*About the Commitment from Participating U.S. Institutions

The commitment from the Fellow's U.S. institution is minimal. The supporting faculty should agree to host Dr. Davis and Dr. Love and allow office space for one week. Dr. Davis, Dr. Love, and the Fellow will be available to meet with students, give talks, and participate in the intellectual life of the institution as requested. It is crucial to the mission of these fellowships that supporting faculty agree to do this BEFORE we select their candidate.